

30 min           30 EUR
60 min           50 EUR
90 min          70 EUR

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Thai yogi statue in Wat Pho temple, Bangkok.

Thai yogis (Ruesi) have their own system for building physical and mental strength but many postures (asana) and breathing practises are the same as the Indian system of Yoga. However there are specific postures that are unique to Thai culture, giving birth to Thai massage and are even reflected in traditional Thai dance forms.

The Ruesi or hermit sages of Thailand use these yogi techniques for preparing their bodies for rigerous practises of meditation and developing spiritual powers. The word Ruesi is associated with the thought of a secretive, mysterious hermit-like person who lives a solitary existence and dwells in a cave, the forest or in the mountains. The real meaning of the word Ruesi is “Seer” meaning one with special abilities to see things that normal humans cannot perceive, such as vision of the three times (past, present and future events).

The Ruesi are closely associated with magic and ancient spiritual knowledge. Traditional Thai massage and other healing methods (herbs, minerals) are their special areas, as well as crafting magical amulets and tattoos. They wish to help other beings to be happier in life and do this by giving advice based on their knowledge, making rituals and dealing with negative influences from spirits.

The path of the Ruesis is a dedicated way of higher spiritual practises to achieve noble spiritual goals and to acquire supernatural abilities in order to assist living beings in reducing suffering.
